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Give away 3 large crates full of books cuz I never gonna read them anyway #life
raffle off all the copies I have #serverlesshandbook
sell some books #kast
bought physical books
donate a bunch of books
sell bunch of books #minimalism
Give away all excess stuff. #life
sell and gift away final batch of physical products 🥲 #misao
Set books and stuff to discard aside because I want to own even fewer things #life
sell &/or give away all the crap we don't need. #minimalism
edit whole bunch of book #flyingdutch
sell the last item from the tons of stuff I've accumulated over ~10 years in California. I'm finally free! #life
Kept tossing old books aside
sign and pack 14 books #serverlesshandbook
giveaway #cssscan
amazon book giveaway
complete giveaway
whittle down my reading list