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read about using embeddings to build a search #aiplay
Exploring embeddings and semantic search
Made audience search filter where you can describe an audience and it will find products that are related. Uses openai embeddings and typesense vector search #thieve
playing with OpenAI embedding. No idea what I am doing lol #dailylife
Experiment with OpenAI embeddings for similar companies lookup #sparkbase
🚜 migrated job website to use a better SearchVector method
More testing, embeddings + filters seem to work very well #sparkbase
Generate pgvector embeddings for #nichewit to improve similarity searches.
Used OpenAI's Structured Outputs to make quick work of parsing #jobs description data. Wild.
create embeddings from list of items I wanna search #aiplay
got some fancy chart done by claudeAI on how the AI integration into #feedbackbasket can go, mind blowing how it just went above and beyond, I just asked for an explanation. 🤯
read about using embeddings to find related concepts #aiplay
tweet about day 3 of learning AI (explaining at a high level what's embeddings and attention)… #glife