Similar todos
Get a Hetzner instance hacked because I was doing tests with Kamal last night, spawned a few test instances, probably didn't harden them well enough (because Kamal claims to leave your instances prod ready but it absolutely doesn't) so at 7am someone gained access to the instance and started abusing it #life
#contracting Block spammy IP address trying to access my VPS
Write detailed post on X about how exactly I got my Kamal server hacked… #life
Completely lock down server after it was hacked #life2
write blag about ddosing self with analytics
Do a weird sequence of logins to bypass X's anti-bot detection and get Watchdog back online. Considering setting up a home VPN server and having Watchdog proxy to that instead of using the AWS IP ranges (residential IPs are too expensive to buy right now) #watchdog !private
weekend hacking on #jsonify
👨🏭 hacking on nginx for fun
jack up sudoers file and lock yourself out #nachobase
Day 1194 - Calm indie hacking -… #lifelog
Maintenance: Run app & security updates on VPS #byteledge
Reboot server during night out. Social hacking? #simpleanalytics
submit report to hackerone #pentesting
Got hacked, always disable password ssh
hit Hacker News frontpage (4h ago) #nomads stats…