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Stop sending Telegram notifications for new product updates #wip
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Stop posting to Telegram todos created with the GraphQL API #wip
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Disable Telegram posts by countries briefly as is flooding the group #jobboardsearch
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🚨 add Telegram notifications when your question receives a new answer. #wip
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fixed Telegram group message handling for #zeropercent
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make twitter auto reply bot send msgs in groups to me on Telegram before deleting them #life
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Make bot send private telegram messages instead of messages to group #vokal 😅
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Reply to a bunch of support questions in the Telegram group #jomresplugins
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disable #httpscop telegram bots from talking in groups for now
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Update Telegram bot so it post in the corresponding topic (subgroup) #jobboardsearch
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Reply a bunch of Telegram questions #jomresplugins
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Stop sending rate limit Twitter API errors to Telegram #jobboardsearch
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new posts on telegram channel
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move #qrmenu feedback popup from emailing to Telegram chat too
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every time user posts in Slack tell them we are moving to Telegram #nomads
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the bot no longer sends a message when no one is doing any tasks #indiemakers
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stop sending #readmake checkout data to admin Telegram
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rename Telegram group #nomads
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remove discontinued Telegram chat group link from join email #nomads (via @adriaanvanrossum)
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See Reddit bot stopped working on Telegram notifications #jobboardsearch
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