Similar todos
created blurred background for #infinitestories 2.0
added setting background to solid color option to #podcastpreview
#homestra add smooth lazy loading images with blur
improve unblur effect #blinkloader2
improve unblur logic #blinkloader2
disable input when choosing background that is not solid #csspro
testing color setting for background in #infinitestories 2.0
improve unblur effect for blinkloader.js integration #blinkloader2
add blur effect for background settings #sleekpage
make image previewer backdrop blurred #interiorai
make background color less blinding
fix 'none' solid color #csspro
support background-blend-mode from presets #csspro
fix backdrop filter blur on background editor thanks to @rikschennink #csspro
add colors on create #jobs
add background-blend-mode select inside background dropdown and make it work #csspro