Podcast Preview
wrote monthly update for #podcastpreview…
promote app on reddit #podcastpreview
share #podcastpreview in facebook group
monthly post on blog about #podcastpreview
share #podcastpreview in facebook group
submit new version to app store #podcastpreview
add change wavecolor option to amplitude and sinus animation #podcastpreview
resizing sinus animation in #podcastpreview
resizing amplitude animation in #podcastpreview
new wave animation to #podcastpreview
design of animation selection screen #podcastpreview
new control icons for #podcastpreview
new waveform animation to #podcastpreview
answer twitter posts using #podcastpreview
message fb moderator about sharing #podcastpreview
release new version of #podcastpreview to the app store
fixed issue with time intervalls and submitted new version of #podcastpreview
found a bug in #podcastpreview making time selection not accurate
created marketing material for #podcastpreview