Similar todos
Tweaked static testimonials on landing page - linked the static testimonials to the respective tweets for more legitimacy. And some style tweaks #pluginsforcarrd
smol tweaks to landing page #seniormindset
landing page tweaks following indiehackers feedback #skillmap
Updated blank boilerplate with email obfuscation, modalDescription data, 3rd pricing column, tested Lighthouse - still 100, and mobile scores improved too what?! #listskit
Few tweaks on (prompt adjustments, local storage and email fixes)
A few UI tweaks #albertbro
Landing page tweaks #gistreader
updated some of the #revsys website backend
Last website tweaks to #sta
tweak the landing page some more #refactoringbook
Do some UI/UX tweaks. #stateofdevs
[UX] More tweaks and improvements #devhub
Listened to feedback and added better font kerning, arc start/end, font size, text color, img square cropping, 2 columns interface, Beam analytics #indiejourney #socialimpactpatronage
Final tweaks to Medium article and site documentation #larametrics
Small updates on the landing page #sparkbase
Small updates on the landing page #sparkbase
Small updates on the landing page #sparkbase
trial system, header bar, ui-ux tweaks, reports feature, perform analysis, share button #selftalking