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Center images in lightbox #contracting
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Hide lightbox thumbnails if there's only one image #wip
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Show image caption in lightbox #contracting
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#contracting Add lightbox to masonry grid
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add max-width to images #techletterapp
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Lightbox for Flickr stream #contracting
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add lightbox for resumes #japandev
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fix image height issue #starterstory
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fix image height issue #starterstory
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Finally add lightbox after many people asked #wip
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fix messed up image height ad box for <600px #nomads
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extend height people box #nomads
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add max-height property to #filepond image-preview plugin
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#filepond fix image preview height
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#sheet2site Make header images smaller height
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fix images width one size #thx
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increase image upload limit #beachnearby
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make new more attractive promotion box with full image for 50% of height #nomads
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Make lightbox work for attachments in all places, not just todos #wip
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increase image file upload limit from 6MB to 10MB #beachnearby
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