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🤖 Wrote my own screenshot to code Claude script #research
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📝 wrote about using Claude 3.5 to refactor a Python app without writing any code.…
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🤖 testing Claude 3 for some low hanging fruit code writing tasks
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Tried Claude instead of ChatGPT, much better at code but still not perfect #blogrecorder
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wrote more code #gamedev
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wrote some code #gamedev
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🤖 worked on my #research project and use Claude's project + artifacts to help reactor and add a bunch of new features to it.
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Adding support for Anthropic Claude 3 model. Its coding ability is pretty good #boltai
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make random game with claude, more in this nonsense thread:…
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wrote code
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Improve Claude tool use handling for BoltAI #boltai
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I used Claude 3.5 Project + Artifacts to help refactor most of the Ollama + Llama 3.1 #research project. I would call it a writing bot, but I'm not building it to automate writing. It's mostly a content wrapper around the Chat interface but it's good at generating code and building off of chat history.
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🤖 let Claude write a bunch of tests for my new app to make sure nothing breaks
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apply for Anthropic's Claude AI API for more research.
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ask Claude what else to build for #hotellist
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Used Cursor AI + Claude 3.5 to generate a bunch of content for #installphp - quite impressed by the speed!
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switch back to GPT4 from Claude
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Rewrote into
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🤖 🚜 Used Claude 3.5 to help propose a #jobs refactor to use django-fsm2 and django-lifecycle to save me some time.
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Experiment with Claude 3.5 Sonnet + Artifacts
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