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rewrote some code with Claude #textfixpro
🤖 🚜 Used Claude 3.5 to help propose a #jobs refactor to use django-fsm2 and django-lifecycle to save me some time.
I used Claude 3.5 Project + Artifacts to help refactor most of the Ollama + Llama 3.1 #research project. I would call it a writing bot, but I'm not building it to automate writing. It's mostly a content wrapper around the Chat interface but it's good at generating code and building off of chat history.
✏️ I blogged about how to bundle and send a project to Claude as XML so the whole project will fit into a Claude Project and watched it take off today…
🤖 Prototyped a Django-based Agent framework using Claude 3.5 #research
Used Claude to write a Django management command to flatten my templates and pull out third party templates that might be used #research
🤖 let Claude write a bunch of tests for my new app to make sure nothing breaks
🤖 I gave the new Claude a test ride and had it create a new Django Admin app. Not bad. Not bad at all. #research
new article published… #prototypr
🤖 testing Claude 3 for some low hanging fruit code writing tasks
✏️ I wrote about automating python and django upgrades…
Claude 3.5 just blows my mind sometimes. It's incredibly intelligent naturally. I am going through final tests on a new App I'm building to generate, clean, and enrich datasets. I was testing the enrichment portion last night and it just knows things. Like it understands when cleaning data and I'm asking it to add thousand separators that some of the data may not be a number in the traditional sense. I had a dataset that has population, median_income, and zip codes in it, but it only modified the population and median_income data without the need to specifically prompt for it. This might seem trivial, but its ability to reason without guidance amongst large sets of data is quite remarkable. #datamachine
🚀 created a GitHub Action to automate turning projects into a Claude Project friendly format…
🤖 Took a stab at rewriting parts of Claude Engineer to make file and project storage better. #research
coding with Claude -- used to save me time, now feels like it's slower than doing everything from scratch #life
making Claude 3.5 Sonnet to come up with a pytorch code which finds a model which computes the ahrefs DR impact of a backlink. With manual exploration I came to a correlation of 66%. 5 minutes of Claude -> pytorch already pushed it up to 72%
With the help of Claude, and Cursor, shipped a Hacker News CLI. Was a lot of fun! Got the initial version running in 20 minutes with some prompts from Claude.
🤖 Wrote my own screenshot to code Claude script #research
✏️ Wrote about #upgradedjango…