Similar todos
Feeling like shit today 💩 everyone can do it but me, not gonna make it, etc... went to fast walk for 2 hours and still managed to sit down to do some work, hope will feel better tomorrow 💪 #life
Feel shitty and tired, lots of tech mistakes, going on a walk and weight training
postpone all todos till tomorrow because I’m a lazy fuck
Write down all todos for today #life
Feeling meh #life
Get through daily todos #lifeee
Woke up back at home, lacking motivation to accomplish anything from the list. Most is due by now. Troubled inside. Feels like Tenerife has been a short parenthesis of relief, but is now over. Back to a reality which I dislike.
have an off day, but created my to-do list for tonight #life
Monday morning. my TODO list says: make TODO list #thepaulhlife
Organized todo-lists and been sick all day. I hate airports :(
Write a bunch of todos for various projects
setup Trello idea board so my shit's more organized and makes my brain feel better
throw out all the done todos because I really don’t actually need them
make priorities of todos for tomorrow 🤯
Cleared out my todo list that I dump random ideas for tasks into, moving everything into other lists named after the goal the todo is advancing. I should really switch to Jira instead.