Similar todos
Make prototype app with new OpenAI Assistant API. TBH it's kinda not that well designed developer experience right now so we are going to wait a month or so till they support streaming responses and tidy up some of the async ways of polling for status.
testing my voice conversational AI assistant
Work on #jomo AI assistant 🤓
Experiment with AI #morflaxstudio
Fiddle around with OpenAI assistants and threads for #nichewit
implement AI-assistant #painlesstracker
Experiment with AI on #morflaxstudio
Working on my personal assistant bot that can handle voice messages
created AI Assistant Chat for my #docgptai. So far amazing results to replace typical online chat to reduce time on online support. Going to collect top 20 questions from online support and test/train the AI Assitant Chat Bot #instabotgpt
FYI: OpenAI Assistants API is not functioning as expected despite the status page saying it's operational. Multiple similar reports in the forums.
play with AI chatbot #life
Fixed weird outputs on Assistants API (OpenAI)
First MVP prototype for AI Assistant Chat using web sockets - #instabotgpt
Playing with telegram bot and OpenAI function calls for a new project.
meeting with an AI client #life
experimented with OpenAI's chat completions and custom functions to see what I'm missing #jobs
initial google assistant and dialogflow research