Similar todos
Make prototype app with new OpenAI Assistant API. TBH it's kinda not that well designed developer experience right now so we are going to wait a month or so till they support streaming responses and tidy up some of the async ways of polling for status.
working on formatting responses from ai assistant
testing my voice conversational AI assistant
Work on #jomo AI assistant 🤓
Experiment with AI #morflaxstudio
Fiddle around with OpenAI assistants and threads for #nichewit
implement AI-assistant #painlesstracker
Experiment with AI on #morflaxstudio
Working on my personal assistant bot that can handle voice messages
created AI Assistant Chat for my #docgptai. So far amazing results to replace typical online chat to reduce time on online support. Going to collect top 20 questions from online support and test/train the AI Assitant Chat Bot #instabotgpt
FYI: OpenAI Assistants API is not functioning as expected despite the status page saying it's operational. Multiple similar reports in the forums.
play with AI chatbot #life
Fixed weird outputs on Assistants API (OpenAI)
First MVP prototype for AI Assistant Chat using web sockets - #instabotgpt
left only yearly plans for ai email assistant (experiment)
Playing with telegram bot and OpenAI function calls for a new project.
meeting with an AI client #life