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created AI Assistant Chat for my #docgptai. So far amazing results to replace typical online chat to reduce time on online support. Going to collect top 20 questions from online support and test/train the AI Assitant Chat Bot #instabotgpt
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working on new chatbot
Created a cool chatbot with Open AI vision + websockets to let the user analize the charts
implement AI-assistant #painlesstracker
I finished a personal and customized AI chat platform for me and some friends to use.
Build an MVP GPT for mental models ai coach #mentalmodelsaicoach
Built alpha version of AI receptionist with Vapi & Twilio #aiagency
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Mind-blowing ChatGPT - #fajarsiddiq
testing my voice conversational AI assistant
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Made AI assistant that watches commits and suggests improvements, checks for bugs, etc. We'll see if it works #life
Make prototype app with new OpenAI Assistant API. TBH it's kinda not that well designed developer experience right now so we are going to wait a month or so till they support streaming responses and tidy up some of the async ways of polling for status.