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new apps #screenhunt2
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submitted final version of #accessiblekeyboard to the app store
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client app submitted to Apple store #bw
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submit #goodtendency for review in appstore
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Prepared #speechzap to be published in AppStore
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Prototype new iOS app
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The app has been accepted by Apple #capgo
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Submit app to apple app store #branches
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submit to appstore
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upload and submit to app store #instaanalytics
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new apps added #screenhunt2
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Unpublished iOS app #tortuba
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submit #photoai app to App Store thanks to gf taking over management of the iOS dev and getting it done within a week
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#justcryptobar Finally submitted for review the application to Apple Store
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Submitted app for review #branches
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submit to iOS App store
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published app for beta testing on ios #qrcontact
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submit new version to the app store #infinitestories
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submit new version to the app store #teleprompter
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submit new version to the app store #infinitestories
See similar todos

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