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pycon day 1 #mylife
🎟 purchased my PyCon US ticket
📺 Watching DjangoCon Europe Day 2 talks #mylife
🎫 finalized some of my PyCon plans #mylife
PyConUS reception and dinner with friends
attending the #pycon hallway track
third day of pycon with a PSF directors meeting #mylife
pycon day 7 and flying home 🏡
Made it to Pittsburgh, had sushi, caught up with a bunch of Python people, and had a great first night at #PyConUS
Watched OpenAI Keynote from DevDay and GPTs #ecomai
watching day two of PyGotham talks #mylife
🎟 attended DjangoCon Europe day 3 #mylife
djangocon us day three is in the books
djangocon us day two is in the books.
officially canceled my trip to PyCon US #mylife
Attend conference 3 day 2 #jovial
register for PyCon 2019
attending two virtual conferences. BarCamp Philly and pyjamas as one does from home #mylife
🗞 published a DjangoCon US Talks I’d Like to See: 2023 Edition blog post #djangocon