Similar todos
📺 watching
watching while working on stickers for #djangonews
day 2 of pycon talks and hanging out in the video chat rooms too
📺 Watching DjangoCon Europe Day 2 talks #mylife
🎟 attended PyCon day #2 #mylife
great day watching talks and hanging out with friends #PyConUS
#PyConUS last day watching the keynotes
pycon day 2
#dcus day #2
Watch 'State of GPT' talk #aiexperiments
first day #dcus talks
watching some PyCon while mostly having a family day #mylife
📺 Added Django Day Copenhagen…
spent day with family and heard a few #pycon talks
third day of pycon with a PSF directors meeting #mylife
pycon day 3.
watch nextjsconf
attend day two GDD