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Back from vacation and planning what's next.
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Read and meditated #life
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after 1 week of "vacation" from twitter and building my thinking starts to clear up, I get new ideas and approaches I want to test out, changes to my social media practices. Still needs some days so I'm gonna prolong my own vacation #life
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Did nothing for a while, took it easy and had some creative thinking #life
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first day of staycation and I spent it writing and doing more project research #mylife
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Catch up on some reading. #vacation #life
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Walked, read and meditated #life
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write down ideas I had for what to build/create during break
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💤 mostly worked on community and open source projects today. taking a four day vacation to refresh and cross off a couple of side projects goals
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spent bascially all day collecting and researching the stuff I want to invest in (mostly tech gear related to my 3-2-1 backup system, mobile voiceover recording and video editing equipment). That came as a surprise (like yesterday was a suprise as well). It also meant that now, at the end of the day I bascially accomplished nothing except for the walk outside and a bit of the day job. But it's ok because these investments have been in my mind for weeks now. Feeling calmer and better becasue I can put a checkmark ✅ in front of that topic 🙂 #hip
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write and reflect on travela
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Writing thoughts and past developments on my personal diary #life
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rereading "makebook"and taking action. chapter 1 ideas 💡 completed
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Weekend off mom duty (first time in 3 months!) to catch up and maybe even get ahead. Made a list to get the most out of it. #life
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Planned my week and prioritized my tasks using my BestSelf journal. ✍️
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Walked, read and played again #life
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Wrote and reflected #life
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Wrote and reflected #life
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Wrote and reflected #life
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Wrote a note "Thoughts on writing daily"… #klimy
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