Similar todos
3x20x leg raise
3x10x hanging dips
3x8x wide grip pull up
4x12x52kg leg extension
3x12x50kg barbell row
3x10x vertical ring row
3x15x60kg leg extension
3x12x50kg leg press
3x12x50kg lying leg curl
3x12x standing calf raises
3x12x hanging ring row
5x5x wide grip pull up
3x12x dips
4x8x wide grip pull up
3x12x55kg leg extension
3x12x50kg leg curl
3x12x16kg hammer curl
3x12x50kg triceps rope pulldown
3x10x wide grip pull up
3x12x39kg leg extension
3x12x50kg narrow grip chest press
3x12x hanging leg raise
3x12x25kg rope triceps pulldown
3x12x30kg barbell biceps curl
3x12x15kg db seated ohp
5x5x wide grip pull up
3x12x59 close rip seated cable row
3x12x59 close grip lat pul
3x12x23kg rope pulldown
3x2x10x14kg alternating hammer curl
4x8x wide grip pull up
4x12x55kg leg extension
3x20x push ups
3x12x50kg rope cable pull down
3x12x45kg rope cable biceps curl
4x8x wide grip pull up
4x8x dips
3x20x push ups
3x10x hanging horizontal rows
3x8x toes to bar
4x8x wide grip pull up
4x8x dips
3x20x push ups
3x10x hanging horizontal rows
3x8x toes to bar
4x8x wide grip pull ups
3x20x push ups
3x24x15kg hammer curls
3x22kg triceps rope cable pulldown
3x12x18kg cable front extension #gym
3x12x50kg leg extension
3x12x50kg lying leg curl
3x12x20kg hyper extension
3x12x34 incline db press
4x8x wide grip pull up
4x8x wide grip pull up
3x20kg push up
3x12x60kg leg extension
3x12x18kg db seated ohp
3x12x30kg biceps curl machine
3x12x80kg bench press
3x10x wide grip pull up
3x12x horizontal lying row
3x12x50kg leg extension
3x12x50kg cable rope pulldown
3x12x45kg cable rope biceps curl
2x25x push ups
5x5x110kg deadlift+
4x8x50kg ohp=
3x10x pull up wide grip=
3x14x hanging leg raise=
1x12x50kg pendlay row=
3x10x wide grip pull up
3x20x push up
3x12x140lbs cable row
3x10x2x35lbs seated dp ohp
3x2x10x30lbs hammer curl
3x2x10x45lbs cable triceps pulldown
5x5x90kg bench press
5x5x pull ups wide grip
3x12 push ups
3x12 lying barbell row
3x12x23kg cable flys
3x12x52kg cable horizontal row
3x12x36kg cable push down
3x12x32kg cable biceps curl #life
5x5x120kg deadlift
5x5x50kg ohp
12/12/10/10x wide grip pull up
3x12x50kg barbell row
3x25x push up
5x12x65kg leg extension
5x12x59kg seated cable row
5x12x60cm feet elevated push ups
5x12x18kg cable triceps pulldown
5x12x41kg cable biceps curls
5x5x wide grip pull up
4x10 wide grip horizontal pull up
4x10x50kg standing barbell row
4x10x40kg lying barbell row
4x10x32kg one arm cable row
3x12x52kg kneeling high cable row
3x12x ab wheel
3x25x push ups
3x12x50kg single leg press
3x12x66kg lat pul
3x12x14kg hammer curl
3x12x23kg single arm cable triceps pull down
3x12x65kg seated cable row
5x5x small grip pull up
3x10x dips
3x12x60kg leg extension
3x12x calf raises
3x12x18kg seated db ohp