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more work on creating email filters via the Gmail API
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finished with core backend for gmail handler with ai
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working on gmail implementation for production
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sent for review to Google team for requesting gmail api access - to handle gmail with AI
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Play with Gmail + OpenAI productivity filter #aiexperiments
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More work on #jomo API
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Gmail API working and reading emails with filters #feliz
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working on youtube scripts for ai-assistant-email and gpt for sheets
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work more on AI project #life
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see AI submission guy submit #photoai to hundreds of AI directories with its own Gmail account kinda interesting business
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working on ChatGPT plugin for ai email assitant. day3 #instabotgpt
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Get AI to read emails for me so I don't have to
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Spend hours and hours pouring through the raw output gmail processes of my emails as nobody seems to be able to fix it, and find plenty of issues that are possible to fix so fix them - of course with tabs and spacing a lot of errors, because why process things nicely when you can do them horribly! My detest of google will outlive me (or hopefully them). Manage to figure out how to get it to respond to responsive fonts, of course it doesn't respect the actually set size and instead increases the baseline which makes it impossible to manage, so ultimately find a compromise whereby it's not too large on gmail, not too small on other phone clients - nobody will have it perfect. Email clients. The best. #creativity
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work on my AI generated blog to make them less suck on #devopsprojectshq
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continue work on #crisp ai automations management api
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fix issues mentioned in gmail api review for #instabotgpt
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Finishing up the *last* bits of work on my extension. It's been months of slow work on this thing. So excited to launch. Gmail extensions are such a pain.
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working on the api #thecompaniesapi
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moved gmail ai assistant handler into a seprated cron job from flask app
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Keep working on parsing emails faster #auto
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