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Used randomizer Carrd plugin to make a What To Write writing prompts side project for Lifelog - - 2 birds! #lifelog
blog post first draft #starterstory…
Make a list of all subjects and materials needed #phs
📝 created a few draft ideas for blog posts
organize hobby ideas into spreadsheet w/ tags #gamequitters
Made a bomb spreadsheet to manage expenses and investments around #currently
drafted my #djangocon topics and ideas list for 2022
Write draft for launching experiment
outline daily tasks #allplay
Started first steps of planning out next project, bookmark app idea #persoanl
- 30 mins: archive all the links from past 3 days and reorganize them into my own book of notes ✅ see [[edaddd]] for details #edaddd
wrote a draft project plan #ekh
put together new daily schedule #newco
Planning spontaneous project #personal
drafts for all simple "experiments" #optimism
drafted a post about how I test
Start first draft of testing concept #moroccohomelist
- spent time trying out orgmode and agenda ✅ #orgmode