Similar todos
better rendering #infinitestories 3.0
🚜 upgraded more projects to use uv to speed everything up
more web3 gradients cos i love it #csspro
be there when @AndreyAzimov web3 job board take off #life
further migration to typescript
👩💻 learning threejs
write article about speeding up a lambda by 33% #blog2
started to improve #growthhacklist ui
👩💻 learn about three.js
more reading on three.js
more improvements to the performance #coinlistr
👩💻 learn three.js
👩💻 learn three.js
🚜 switching all of my node, npm, npx, etc tooling to use instead because it's SO MUCH easier.
finish react-three-fiber >> vanilla three.js migration & now events/interactivity wayy more stable #spaceshare
Read about parachains #learningweb3
🚜 refactored a few more projects including one of our #revsys starter projects which jumpstarts new projects by a lot.