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Tweaked hero copy based on @marc_louvion's tweet, to highlight the emotional benefit – from "A simple kit to build unlimited info directories & listings" to "Build your first ever info directory, earn your first internet dollar, with Lists Kit." #listskit
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New project! Lists Kit - a plain HTML, CSS, Javascript info directory/listing boilerplate #listskit
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Day 1119 - Marketing plan for Lists Kit -… #lifelog
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Made a SaaS Starters directory using Lists Kit boilerplate, for marketing - #listskit
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Day 1300 - Growing Lists Kit -… #lifelog
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Started building the website of the database project #shipit
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Started working on my personal website #life
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Make list for site #pl
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Made plan to rebuild website
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did some starter website #research
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make a mini site for book list
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Day 1045 - Lists Kit -… #lifelog
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Reinvested money from my first 2 sales and bought Chris Osborne's Profitable Communities course on Gumroad (US$163.50), to learn from him and the community about directories #listskit
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create weekend task list #operations
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bought Lists Kit #sbswe
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Play around with all the email html builders and figma tools for a few hours and decide it's probably going to be best just to code up my base template with mjml - once that first painful base is done and I've setup my system of asset hosting which I wanted to do for archiving anyway, it's fairly straight forward each week. And much cheaper this way. Let's see #creativity
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Make a list of No Code Notion to Website solutions #rpish
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Starting from the beginning... Working on updating the website of my consulting firm. This will be the bottom of my funnel, so need to get this right first. #appmakerverse
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Start building new portfolio site
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create basic structure for website
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