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drink water #fajarsiddiq
appliance repair; evaporator fan motor dead; backordered. ugh. #life
get 75 litres water because no water #life
Pay water bill #chore
Find out the gas boiler in this apartment probably broke after trying to shower and only getting cold water. It shows 0 bar pressure no matter how much water I add, and it makes really ugly noises when I open the water key as if the pressure switch is being triggered — so notify landlord and brace for days without warm water #life
need to settle my medical & water bills as is piling up #fajarsiddiq
Oh shit the power's out
#life Get warm water fixed
day off cuz kinda sick #life
get a water dispenser
woke up really sick! taking a day or two off. #leifinlavida
get a new water bottle
spent yesterday's evening + today's morning fixing a leak in the kitchen at home, which soaked all my walls behind the kitchen with me not noticing it for weeks, will add an Eve Water Guard to prevent this in the future. back to code now! #life
Blow dry the water pipes because the dishwasher can't draw water because apparently the pipes froze like wtd
clean (fix🤞) water heater #house
Find new water leak in the same place... Call plumber again 💦 #mcpizzalife
ask for some water