Similar todos
Update location chart #lifeee
update monthly revenue chart
release new version of vue-chartjs #github
added charts to top trends pages #sponsorgap
update weekly/monthly chart widgets on week/month change #timematorios
update revenue chart for the year
Added download chart as image using dom-to-image -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
create weeky overview chart
update annual revenue chart
update analytics to be sexy new line chart with animation states and previous period comparison line #saasco
added pagination to the charts #newsletterscan
change to monthly graphs (from weekly) #wip
Added chart explanations #useattractor
🚀 Release new version of vue-chartjs. Now with custom chart types #github
more charts 🤩
Replaced previous usage widget with nicer Chart.js graph. #2markdown
Improvements for analytics chart #formcarry
Add charts and graphs #watchtower