Similar todos
Docs page - Updated meta tags in head. Updated X icon, affiliate link in footer. #listskit
Shipped some updates to og images of main site to update tagline, and free tool directories to mention Lists Kit. #listskit
Updated og image tagline, and og url to .com #listskit
Added new component - image-text and text-image sections #listskit
Added alt text to all <img> tags for better accessibility scores, on landing page and on boilerplates (both main and beta) #listskit
Curated filter tags to the popular ones, changed it to horizontal scrolling, and dumped all the filter tags with categories into a modal - I think this works well! #listskit
[Post-dated] Moved meta img src assets to domain, updated img src urls, for Lists Kit main site ( - for better SEO #listskit
Added more testimonials (it's filling up now!), and updated footer "Updates" section #listskit
Updated changelog section in footer #listskit
Added responsive navbar, added big font look, improved media queries #listskit
Updated Updates section in footer #listskit
Added script to toggle background-color of filter btn, added float right to card btn (so it looks less like Bootstrap), added feature icons as img tags instead #listskit
Manually update all the og images and thumbnails of Lists Kit in other backlinked places - twitter, saas starters, commit365, directory starters, payhip #listskit
Made static testimonials section responsive, and other media query/CSS bug fixes #listskit
Added carousel slider, added animated gradient to hero CTA btn, lots of fixes to spacing, media queries #listskit
Various style fixes - hide navbar btn, hide placeholder testimonial, changed hero btn and hero sub-text #listskit
More Lighthouse optimizations - compressed imgs for better perf, tweaked brand color and text, btns color for higher contrast & better a11y, padding fixes, added robots.txt and sitemap.xml for better SEO #listskit
Tweaked copy on hero section some more and meta tags - I think I'm good with it for now... until I figure out customers and positioning #listskit
Updated footer of docs page, added new lighthouse score screenshot and link #listskit
Added hero section. Added load more. Tweaked load more to work with filters, search. Now it's starting to look like a proper website! #listskit