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Got a dropdown menu working in the Vuetify version of the app. #rhymecraft
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Added Vuetify! #rhymecraft
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Added a link to the old (non-Vuetify) version of the app in the navbar so people visiting the site can still use the old version, and also just to get myself to start making changes to the site. #rhymecraft
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Got the app working where the Vuetify interface can exist at a different endpoint than the existing UI as a way of hopefully avoiding needing to fix all the CSS problems right now. #rhymecraft
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Removed Vuetify because 1) it was messing with my existing styling, 2) I think I may try to style everything myself, and 3) it's easy to add back later now that I have the commit. #rhymecraft
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update vuetify and check/fix affected elements #abcgamers
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Loaded the app with Vuetify installed and everything looks the same, which wasn't the case the last time I tried installing Vuetify. So it may be easier to do the switch than I was expecting. #rhymecraft
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Added 'Rhymecraft' to the navbar of the Vuetify app. #rhymecraft
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Add a link to the non-Vuetify app in the nav bar for the Vuetify app. #rhymecraft
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Got Vuetify working. #cleanexam
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On my local version of the app, have the default route be to the Vuetify app rather than the existing app. #rhymecraft
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Move all the nonvuetify app components into a subfolder to not get them confused with the vuetify app components. #rhymecraft
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Updated the full-width demo page to have a top navbar and some vuetify cards instead of just being a blank page with 'hello world' on it. #viper
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Make it so dropdown works using vue #alpha
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Create a branch where I'm going to try getting the app looking nice with Vuetify because the #1 source of stuff taking a long time is that styling the app takes forever, and the projects I'm working on for my Upwork clients move way faster because I'm using Vuetify (at the expense of not looking as nice as a DAW or IDE desktop application). #rhymecraft
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integrate Vuetify, Vuex, Makerwidget for TodoMoji
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v1.1: expanded menu initial mockup #linefm
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Tried having the the app use a Vuetify app bar and navigation bar and confirmed it caused some issues with the styling, but I should be able to fix those issues without too much trouble (hopefully), and it'll be worth it to have my app more-easily optimized for mobile. #rhymecraft
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Work on a dropdown component #levanterui
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deploy new dropdown nav and remove horizontal nav bar we have now #remoteok
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