Similar todos
backend logic to get user’s subscription and plan #dashful
Check why new subscribed user still see they are limited by the old plan #capgo
Create subscription plans for #eventbot
Redesign subscribe modal and add one more plan #fashn
#threader2 track user’s subscription (premium or not)
Show the current plan and usage statistics in the account settings page #domainwatchman
Display current subscription information in the account settings page #domainwatchman
Show users what are their limits on their Subscription plan and enforce those limits #vibes
Look at current subscriptions for #jonga
Support user plan in API #userowl
Throw an exception when subscription function emits for a user with an active plan.
add subscription plan to database
only show available plans (when signing up or upgrading) based on customer’s plan cohort #wip
Build portal to manage subscription plans #useattractor
#threader2 display number of subscriptions on profile