Similar todos
Spent time learning about using Go for a web app back-end to see if it would be better than using Python.
Spent a few hours trying (and failing) to get Apache to use the virtualenv I created. #rhymecraft
Spent some more time switching the API to using flask_restx. #rhymecraft
deep dived into a django/python porting project and got quite a bit more done than I expected to. #mylife
spend a bunch of time trying to understand how some boneheaded stuff works in Flask
Spent more time trying to figure out how to connect to the DigitalOcean DB from PyCharm. #rhymecraft
find out why uwsgi threads run twice #avocadojobs
Spent some time working on #peopleprogramming
Got a Flask/Vue app running on PythonAnywhere for a new client b/c trying to get it working on Digital Ocean had me dealing with a mod_wsgi error that could take who-knows-how-long to fix
Spent time learning about how to best apply for jobs.
Spent a few minutes working on #peopleprogramming
continued working on the django boilerplate
mostly read docs to figure out a few corner cases on django deploy #mylife
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django
Spent some time learning NextJS and Express
Spent an hour reviewing my wiki for possible tasks to work on. #rhymecraft
Spent some time working on the #cmx1course curriculum
spend 30 min on python
#greendeploy spend 4 hrs working on django London talk presentation
learned that i can have a more cost effective hosting on AWS. learning how to set up the environment etc