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Side project weekend: Added typing sounds of a mechanical keyboard when writing post - got it working on local. 🔊 Turn sound on 👇 #lifelog
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[Turn on 🔊] 🍟 Side project weekend: Added new rain sounds feature to /write and /compose page for a rainy day mood writing experience. Also prettified input sliders with emoji 💅 #lifelog
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[Turn on 🔊 for video] 🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed to Heroku all new features and fixes done over weekend - ambient sounds for writing, Wayback Machine archive for rich text editor, and some style improvements. Now you can have rain in the forest sounds combined! 🌳🌧🌳 #lifelog
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[Turn on 🔊 for video] 🍟 Side project weekend: Added forest nature sounds to writing pages. #lifelog
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Side project weekend: Deployed new feature on Lifelog - 🖊 Markdown formatting snackbar. Now you can add Markdown syntax using the editor panel to format the text. Great if user is unfamiliar with Markdown. #lifelog
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⚙️ Made some optimizations this weekend. No new features. - Removed auto-scroll down to keep typing input at vertical center of screen, because it's distracting af. - Improved performance of typing sounds. There sound be less of a lag now. #lifelog
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🎯 New feature (based on customer feedback) deployed for side project weekend: Placeholder text shows goal reminders as writing prompts, to keep user's goal top of mind when starting on a blank writing page #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Coded and deployed Lifelog Wrapped (yes, stole that from Spotify) all in 1 day - a review of your writings on Lifelog for the year 🎉 #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Just deployed all the dark mode features and small fixes I've worked on Lifelog for the past 1 month: - Fixed write and compose pg when not auth. Changed notifyTelegram to ping when any user published a post. - Added dark mode for write page. - Style fixes for dark mode on write page. Made buttons and containers more consistent in dark mode colors. - Added localStorage to dark mode on write page to save preference. - Got dark mode working for rich text editor. Updated roadmap. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed dark mode bug where it persisted even after published, and added Lifeloggers handle to notifyTelegram fn in order to add bot to the chat group #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed fixes done over weekend. Now dark mode should no longer persist after publishing, and telegram bot should start posting to Lifeloggers chat group. #lifelog
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Deployed fix for typing sounds on new rich text editor - Had to figure out how to use `editor.on` from TinyMCE instead to listen for the keydown event: editor.on('keydown', this.playSound) #lifelog
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👨🏻‍💻 weekend side project
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Made and deployed the feature to @ mention someone in body text of post. But only works on /write page for now, and no autocomplete dropdown menu of usernames to select from yet when you hit "@"... those are next! #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added time hop for "One month ago, you wrote..." on home page #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed bug where hover on the light bulb tag isn't refreshing the writing prompt on both compose and write pages #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added and deployed fix for dynamic update of usernames list as you type after keying in @ #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added Notifyxf's monitoring service to new chat group "Daily Lifelogs", so that everyone gets notified when there's downtime - #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added image upload functionality to rich text editor on compose page, and other bug fixes #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Wrote blog post to announce Part II of new feature: @ mention someone in the post body -… #lifelog
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