Similar todos
Make a bot to notify me when a subscription is about to expire #jobboardsearch
Get bot checking unsubscribe checkboxes #auto
allow expired user to re-subscribe #wip
Improve the Reddit bot so it can post jobs with a dynamic expiring date #jobboardsearch
add Subscription status check #podlink
Make a bot to check if a job board is down #jobboardsearch
Write a test for the updater lambda to test email sending when a domain name is about to expire #domainwatchman
fixed the expires job bot for some pages #vietnamdevs
#dw basic crawler to run once per day and update the expiration dates + send notifications about expiring domains
renew expired domain
Send a notification when the expiration date is updated #domainwatchman
Make EmailOctopus bot to get subscribers #jobboardsearch
Made a script to check if a user has cancelled a subscription and sent a message to telegram. #kortkort
check sign-out token expiration #altitude
Add "Expiring" filter #highscoredomains
useeffect on root that checks for expiry date and refreshes if expired #shipr