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Finish "too many messages" specs #hellohailey
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Re engineer the Telegram post with a sleep/retry flow as it was getting to many 429 errors #jobboardsearch
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Automatically split story to several messages once characters limit exceeded #stenograph
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Add more #hellohailey messages
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replace Telegram API tokens for admin bot to stop 100,000 queued Telegram messages #life
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optimization of the sending of messages from the discord bot. Now he knows how to make batches of 2000 carateres messages #indiemakers
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add message that we stopped retrying if it keeps failing training #photoai
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Trigger messages splitting only once, then just block overtyping #stenograph
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#banjo Re-implement rejecting messages for various reasons
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fix welcome message #nomads Telegram bot did not send because it was over Telegram’s 4096 char msg limit
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#matchfit : Fix duplicate message sending
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Fixing some issues in message processor of #talqui
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Dynamically choose how many recent messages to include for context, based on total token lengths. Instead of just taking the recent 10 messages like I did before, which meant sometimes I wasn't using as much context as I had available, and other times I was exceeding the limit of tokens which broke ChatGPT #marcbot
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Convert as much as possible to queued jobs, preventing the app from stopping while sending out emails/slack msgs #larametrics
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clearing more messages #fajarsiddiq
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Process broadcast messages with lowest priority, otherwise we run into issue where we might broadcast a message to 1,000s of users and when that triggers them to use the bot, their message won't be processed until all the other broadcasts are done sending #marcbot
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Add 10 more #hellohailey messages
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figure out what's been causing repeated message bugs on #writt
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Calculate token count and save GPT model used for each message to I can better track costs and usage #marcbot
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fix refresh token retry #mezcal
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