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📝 drafted a /uses/ page for my blog tonight #mylife
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play around with AI generated articles
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playing around with #life
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worked on a few AI projects tonight #research
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✏️ worked on a one page website idea as an excuse to play around with alpine.js #mylife
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register for my text based GPT game #monkeyisland
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Play around with various DALL-E and GPT-3 websites #dev
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🔨 hammered out an interesting project for building/hosting super quick and easy to update websites. felt cute. might keep it.
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playing with #fajarsiddiq
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write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
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Experimenting with AI for writing blogs #life
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tested some AI things today. Also signed up for Bard and OH THE LOLZ
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🤖 still sick but played with playwright and developed a pretty cool bot framework. might use that to automate more common tasks #mylife
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Ran an AI experiment then wrote a tweet thread sharing results:…
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Write daily: - A Free Playground for GPT-4 and other models 👉…
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play & test #fajarsiddiq
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more AI research tonight and sketching out a few practical examples to document/write about
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🔨 pushed a new test/automation website to test ideas with #mylife
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idea for new sideproject courtesy of @ndethore on twitter (tested how domain whois checks in nodejs work).
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Open Source AI writing app
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