Similar todos
More UX copy edits #jovial
Fix UX copy bugs #jovial
move messages to a separeted file, so it's easier to understand what the bot is doing #husky
Edit copy to improve UX #jovial
Work on UX copy #jovial
more bot writing code #mylife
Do UX tweaks #jovial
Do UX tweaks #jovial
add temporary fix to wipbot that prevents long messages from blowing up the bot #wip
tweak UI and support message #hookeepr
build out messages UI #sp
Simplified #jonga messaging to make it easier to communicate
Improve direct messaging UX #wip
fix bug in updating chatbot snippets #botreach
#outlinked forcing bot to respond with multiple messages, not only one - part1
Fix UX bugs - simplify some of the questions & switch input types. #stateofdevs
Tidying up published message markup #stenograph
trim spaces from messages #mumblespace