Similar todos
🚀 deployed a favorite package feature for testing into production #djangopackages
🚀 deployed a few #djangopackages updates
🚀 deployed featured places to #lfk
🚀 merged and deployed a bunch of #djangopackages pull requests
fixed "last five random packages" feature #djangopackages
🚀 deployed security updates for #djangopackages
update package features
deploy what's done so far 👀
📥 Deployed to Heroku all the features and fixes done over the weekend #lifelog
🚀 deployed a new #djangopackages since I forgot to earlier
🚀 fixed deployment pipeline speed by a ton by switching over some options #djangopackages
finally deploy huge update! 🚀 #spectate
🚀 deployed new tables, gitlab fixes (not al lof them), and a bunch of subtle layout changes #djangopackages
pushed out some #djangopackages updates which re-enables our grid and package of the week features.
Deploy few improvements #morflaxstudio
deployed a fresh #djangopackages from recent contributions
deploy new version #inflationchart with lots of new features
🚀 deployed the readiness checks #djangopackages
deployed package models changes to help manage licenses and some other features for #djangopackages