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tweet with gpt-3 #life
Shared on Twitter on why I would not worry too much about OpenAI's new ChatGPT app for Mac #life
write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
Experiment with GPT-3
play with GPT-3 #life
post GPT-3 generated tweet (via @marc) #ideasai…
Preparing for tonight's meeting on GPT-3 and #thundercontent
write article about gpt-3 #thundercontent
Speak about GPT-3 and #thundercontent in a virtual meetup
🤖 playing around with GPT-3 #mylife
made a chrome extension that shows the sentiment of each tweet in your timeline using GPT-3 🪄…
Create @wipgpt to discuss GPT-3 and share ideas, docs, etc. #wip
shared my thoughts… #life
make TikTok about GPT4 review web based on my tweet #life
write quick twitter thread about using ChatGPT as an SEO consultant to get it off my mind #blog2
Posted the same thoughts on Twitter. #shaz
play with some GPT-3 apps