Similar todos
Tidy up everything, split in to packages #upbeat
copying justfile setup to a bunch of projects to finish standardizing/automating them #mylife
worked on new setup for managing all repos and deployments #mylife
refactoring two packages into one "shared" #thecompaniesapi
Restructure #htmlhouse to have LESS files in their own directory, like other projects
setting up repositories, pipelines, etc #onepage
code cleanup - move commands into separate files #goldenhour
split off subdir from current repo into new repo for deployment… #sketchfordesignrs
start splitting out internal code from @sideshift/shared #sideshift
build whole projects within dockerfile #radionula
client: come up with a streamlined build setup for monorepo #rockkick
split more code into more files #csspro
learning about just files and standardizing some projects to making handling them off easier #mylife
separate out vendor scripts into separate chunk #frontarm
consolidate more code repos
set up repos for new projects #life
breakout new cli tool into more manageable component files. #sveltelaunch
use Makefile for efficient devops #buildingo
split the app into two separate ones #dashful