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Delete all tweets that have my email address
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delete old tweets #business
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delete old tweets #life
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fix email notifications #impossible
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delete twitter from #thx newsletters
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Fix issue where some really really really old tweets weren't being deleted #autodeletetweets
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send one-time email to users who have previously unauthenticated their twitter account #tweetphoto
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cancel tweet deleter #business
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announce new "remove hashtags" feature via email #tweetphoto
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rewrite twitter auto delete inbox bot
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Add "none of the above option" to restraints so user can delete any tweet after it passes a certain age #autodeletetweets
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find people complaining about deleting tweets on twitter and point them to #tweetsweeper
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stop notifying admins of empty emails #betalist
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Send user email confirming their configuration first time they set it up #autodeletetweets
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Delete all tweets #lifeandstuff
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Send email to #noticeable users about upcoming changes.
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allow users to be deleted #wip
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clean up delete now button on tweet view #tweetsweeper
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make sure no emails are fired to #sslalerts users
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Fix bug where we try to email users without an email address #tweetsweeper
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