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fixed broken digital ocean server
#building figuring out digital ocean cloud optimization as yesterday had to run full droplet reboot.
Create fresh DigitalOcean droplet to be replacing older one from 2016
deployed on digitalocean
configure digital ocean records #myoutfit
setup digital ocean app #linqmeup
setup a digitalocean account and standup a web server (migration away from current provider due to outrageous outage) #turreto
upgrade Digital Ocean droples to new 1G plan
invite @daniellockyer to my Digital Ocean so he can orchestrate manage the droplets for each site #photoai #interiorai #nomads #remoteok
#stekker respond to downtime due to outage DigitalOcean…
finish patching the digital ocean updating
finish patching the digital ocean updating
finish patching the digital ocean updating
#knit Set up Digital Ocean account
Fix resize DigitalOcean droplet link #shipnix
Investigate DigitalOcean Managed DB to disconnect DB and Web Server #poweruserjobs