Similar todos
Fix a bug where logo wasn't rendering for job boards on the waiting list #jobboardsearch
Remove irrelevant details to give more space to job listings #jobboardsearch
updated the job listing templates to clean up the spacing #jobs
Add logo to job boards landing pages #jobboardsearch
Added CSS to job post page #ledigstilling
remove useless required fields and manage job offers without logo #linuxjobsio
#inweed add company logo to job detail page
begin redesign for job board #cdj
Improve how and when an abbreviated version of the job description is displayed per job on the front page #promptlyhired
Fix job board ranking width #jobboardsearch
add images for job post logos
redesign “post a job” page #startupjobs
#inweed small tweak to the edit job listing page by detecting if there is an existing company logo
#remotelist new design for job boards list