Similar todos
continue with golang adventures, only left with non-fatal error handling in all cases before deployment to prod #alertyo
learn + deploy first real-world small go app (learning from scratch ➡️ prod deploy in 3 days 💪) #alertyo
first golang project done #bw
tyescript test project using react, tsx, plain nodejs + express #til
Experiment with using Golang
🚧 wip alfred workflow with go #oss
Finally on WIP ⚠️
Need to add some projects.
Rewrote the backend of one of my OSS projects into Golang from TS.
Starting to build out the SPF flattening tool.
cross post… #altafino
Finish rewrite to React.js (Preact) #simplycron
Rewrite 60% of the frontend codebase into React (Preact) #simplycron