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move some workers to DigitalOcean #spectate
Migrate server to even cheaper DigitalOcean droplet #life
destroy digitalocean server
migrate dev to DigitalOcean #spectate
🧐 choose digitalocean for hosting project
Setup managed DB on Digital Ocean #goodtendency
enable digitalocean monitoring #max
created digitalocean droplet #linksee
setup new droplet on Digital Ocean #fajarsiddiq
add redirect #kornwolf
invite @daniellockyer to my Digital Ocean so he can orchestrate manage the droplets for each site #photoai #interiorai #nomads #remoteok
#contracting Set up a DigitalOcean Space
sign up for DigitalOcean because the Heroku $ premium is not worth it for non-standard apps and we need funding anyway (…) #kornwolf
Deploy first version to DigitalOcean #wtfshouldido
migrate from digitalocean to self hosting #shipr
setup DigitalOcean apps (confusing..)
finally switch #madewithvuejs to digitalocean spaces cdn