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make collection view layout fast enough it can load and show ~1k entries with ease (actually, scroll & resizing is still VERY smooth even at 10k entries loaded) #blip
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extend collectionview to resize items without having to remove and add new view entirely #blip
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Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
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find out how to create fucking collectionViewItem and connect it to collectionView #taggy
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first draft at custom collection view layout; surprisingly speedy for being the first attempt #blip
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Figure out scrolling on collection view #mumu
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fix wierd scrollview bounce when adding new items #checkyourlist
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better image scaling on collection show view #tba -> e.g.
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figure out how to deal with self adjustable swiftUI view depending on content size
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Add preview layout for collection items #metamas
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redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist
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figure out nicer approach to update layout of visible items during live resize and rest after live resize ended #blip
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Improve responsiveness of layout of #submit app section
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smooth infinite scroll #pixels
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Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
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Create scalable layout system for the game screen #letterboom
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fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
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#blueprint Save scrollposition after add/edit collection item
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Improve visual layout of app #beep
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Refactor emojis to collection view #mumu
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