Similar todos
Make custom collectionView layout resize super smooth even with 1000s of items #blip
make recycler view items snap
make collection view layout fast enough it can load and show ~1k entries with ease (actually, scroll & resizing is still VERY smooth even at 10k entries loaded) #blip
redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist
read up on some collection-view intro stuff #blip
figure out way to have (inline) editor its separate undo stack to not interfere with the overall collection view #blip
#allplay create SwipeView for list items
add list view #thrust
Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
fix wierd scrollview bounce when adding new items #checkyourlist
fix crash when nscollectionview would sometimes ask for layout attributes for indexPaths that no longer exist after data reload #blip
first draft at custom collection view layout; surprisingly speedy for being the first attempt #blip
main view improvements #vsnipp
find out how to create fucking collectionViewItem and connect it to collectionView #taggy
#blueprint Save scrollposition after add/edit collection item
make height estimation calculation a static func on the view so there is no need to hold on to a reference of a view for sizing #blip