Similar todos
make collection view layout fast enough it can load and show ~1k entries with ease (actually, scroll & resizing is still VERY smooth even at 10k entries loaded) #blip
Make custom collectionView layout resize super smooth even with 1000s of items #blip
basic layout for collection page #workpanel
read up on some collection-view intro stuff #blip
basic layout completed, frameworkless 🙌 #betainvite
Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
#topupussd ⚡ create initial layout
Design outline view #blurt
Add collections layout #metamas
design collections page (still needs some work) #betalist
Create a design for 'Collection' #quickcode
design community post detailed view #botlist
Started planning and sketching out app views #restocked
extend collectionview to resize items without having to remove and add new view entirely #blip
Initial mockup of UI #magicheader
complete design/layout/etc. of new 'entry' view #blip
start layout_large views for #pinlocker
Create basic layout to display data #feliz
create layout_small views for #pinlocker
redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist