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fix crash when nscollectionview would sometimes ask for layout attributes for indexPaths that no longer exist after data reload #blip
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figure out NSCollectionViewDiffableDataSource bug #blip
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Figure out anchored-selection algorythm NSTableView uses so I can fix NSCollectionView selection behavior once and for all #blip
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"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
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Make a simple Table View Demo for AFK using Cocoa Bindings… #awayfromkeyboard
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Figure out how to make text wrap properly inside NSTableView #blip
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bug: app crashes switching between collection and AR too fast #wordvomit
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Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
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Hit limitations of SwiftUI list too many times, drop down to UIKit UITableView #checkyourlist
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Fix NSTableView still drawing grid when rows are selected even though setting for it is off #blip
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Watch "TableView binding with Swift 4 and Storyboard"
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Make custom collectionView layout resize super smooth even with 1000s of items #blip
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Make a simple Table View Demo for AFK… #awayfromkeyboard
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Fix height calculation because NSTextField doesn't actually have a lineFragmentPadding when drawsBackground = false .... cocoa has too many hidden states #blip
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writing chapter 8 scrollview with dynamic content using autolayout #autolayoutbook
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writing chapter 8 scrollview with dynamic content using autolayout
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experiment with SwiftUI (…) #ketnet
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start building up functionality again using cocoa/appkit #blip
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Look into if Apple has fixed scrollTo bug with List() in iOS16 swiftUi #checkyourlist
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Figure out scrolling on collection view #mumu
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