Similar todos
Make custom collectionView layout resize super smooth even with 1000s of items #blip
read up on some collection-view intro stuff #blip
Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist
extend collectionview to resize items without having to remove and add new view entirely #blip
Figure out scrolling on collection view #mumu
Create a design for 'Collection' #quickcode
Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
first draft at custom collection view layout; surprisingly speedy for being the first attempt #blip
Add collections layout #metamas
watch bunch of tutorials on data management in swiftui
Interfacing with UIKit tutorial
Knowledge up on swift ui and core data
basic layout for collection page #workpanel
Get scrolling to new item working inside UITableView #checkyourlist
weird viewcontablecollectioner
#allplay create SwipeView for list items
add feature button for collections
figure out way to have (inline) editor its separate undo stack to not interfere with the overall collection view #blip
fix wierd scrollview bounce when adding new items #checkyourlist