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start implementing recycler and card view for #pinlocker
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extend collectionview to resize items without having to remove and add new view entirely #blip
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make view scrollable #ytcount
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create horizontal recyclerview
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Make list view polaroid style #woml
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add star button to recyclerview items
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#allplay create SwipeView for list items
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scroll new elements into view automatically
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fix wierd scrollview bounce when adding new items #checkyourlist
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create equal padding below and above cards to prevent final card in recycleview from rendering on the edge of the screen
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fix textview alignment inside recyclerview
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redesign add item view and implement in swiftui #checkyourlist
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#allplay refine SwipeView to bahave a bit better
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add view animations #cardmapr
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add list view #thrust
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Horizontal scroll view RN
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make lists and views responsive #optimizetoolset
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make widget picker screen scrollable #dashful
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add mobile horizontal scrolling view trips #nomads
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implement ability to reorder cardview #pinlocker
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