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Have lawyer send cease and desist to BetaPage for infringing on my trademark (and spamming our users, etc) #betalist
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Make "Advertise on BetaList" follow up email to featured startups more direct (versus "how's it going bla bla ps you can advertise" which we had before) #betalist
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Disable some of the follow up emails we sent to featured startups #betalist
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Email lawyer about potentially enforcing #betalist trademark against company with confusingly similar name that's spamming our customers and other startups hurting our reputation
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Send beta client marketing email #whatpulse
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email reply to other founders #fajarsiddiq
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Schedule email asking for beta users #perspectiva
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email all beta users #press
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send state of startups 2018 email
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Send emails to private beta users #mumu
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LAUNCH send email to beta users
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Send MicroAcquire follow-up email to previously featured startups (6-7 months old) #betalist
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Use special reply-to address for expedited startups so we can give them VIP treatment #betalist
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Email people on beta sign up list #auto
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Send email to 115 users who ran into technical issue submitting their startup because of Twitter breaking our integration #betalist
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give feedback to founders #fajarsiddiq
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Send beta invitation to company having subscribe to #welina beta program
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Send personal WIP invites to a couple of recently featured BetaList startups to test it as a potential acquisition channel #wip h/t @Jankeesvw
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prepare email to send for beta users #ca
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send cold email to startups using Cantine jobboard #jobsnantes
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