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started watching a YT series on using Stripe Connect:…
Watched a NeetCode video (going through #betterjob
get credit card debt calculator minimal layout done #financialtoolbelt
Went through JS tutorial videos #education
solved bank stuff #survivor
practiced writing out the basic leetcode algorithms and went through a section of the Let's Go ebook
basics videos 12 through 17 #serverlessreact
Got a credit card. #shaz
basics 8 video #serverlessreact
reading up on all things crypto, ethics, and how big tech looks to be ramping up 📈
Wrote a note "Understanding the basics"… #klimy
Study crypto (…) #4hourlife
retrieve credit card transactions #bankin #side
watch DeFi series (…) #nils
basics 9 video #serverlessreact
finish watching module 1 of Ramit's launch course