Similar todos
Watched a NeetCode video, need to get back into studying LeetCode
Watched another NeetCode question explanation. #betterjob
Finished watching neetcode's videos on the "easy" leetcode problems. #betterjob
Finished watching all the "Arrays and hashing" questions in the Neetcode 150. #betterjob
Went through JavaScript course video #education
Went through JS tutorial videos #education
Sent an email asking the NeetCode guy how I should structure my study sessions. #betterjob
Went through one JS video lesson #education
Watched till 24th tutorial video on Redux
Finished watching course #1 of Full Stack Web Dev series #mindbody
did a NeetCode 150 (LeetCode) question, client work
practiced writing out the basic leetcode algorithms and went through a section of the Let's Go ebook
Watched JavaScript lesson